
“Bactrian Gold” Collection

In 2004, a National Geographic expedition found seven items of the missing collection of “Bactrian Gold” in the Kabul museum, which caused a major stir in the East, West and the United States. Unfortunately, the remaining 25,000 golden objects from the largest discovery of golden treasures of the Twentieth Century, have disappeared without a trace.

But! Few people know that during the period of the discovery of the gold in 1978, replicas of the main pieces, around 1500 molds, were made and brought to Moscow. Now these molds are belong to Alexander Prokhorov GM of Production company ART-STUDIO LLC.

Currently a part of this collection is being recreated and you can take in your hands newly fashioned items of "Bactrian Gold."
The Metropolitan, the British Museum, the Louvre, the Tokyo Museum, and many other museums have shown great interest in "Bactrian Gold.”

If you would like to contribute and invest to creation of this unique collection, please contact us
